Hanuman Chalisa English PDF

hanuman chalisa in english pdf

hanuman chalisa english pdf


śrī guru charaṇa sarōja raja nijamana mukura sudhāri ।

varaṇau raghuvara vimalayaśa jō dāyaka phalachāri ॥

buddhihīna tanujānikai sumirau pavana kumāra ।

bala buddhi vidyā dēhu mōhi harahu kalēśa vikāra ॥


gōṣpadīkṛta vārāśiṃ maśakīkṛta rākṣasam ।

rāmāyaṇa mahāmālā ratnaṃ vandē-(a)nilātmajam ॥

yatra yatra raghunātha kīrtanaṃ tatra tatra kṛtamastakāñjalim ।

bhāṣpavāri paripūrṇa lōchanaṃ mārutiṃ namata rākṣasāntakam ॥


jaya hanumāna jñāna guṇa sāgara ।

jaya kapīśa tihu lōka ujāgara ॥ 1 ॥

rāmadūta atulita baladhāmā ।

añjani putra pavanasuta nāmā ॥ 2 ॥

mahāvīra vikrama bajaraṅgī ।

kumati nivāra sumati kē saṅgī ॥3 ॥

kañchana varaṇa virāja suvēśā ।

kānana kuṇḍala kuñchita kēśā ॥ 4 ॥

hāthavajra au dhvajā virājai ।

kānthē mūñja janēvū sājai ॥ 5॥

śaṅkara suvana kēsarī nandana ।

tēja pratāpa mahājaga vandana ॥ 6 ॥

vidyāvāna guṇī ati chātura ।

rāma kāja karivē kō ātura ॥ 7 ॥

prabhu charitra sunivē kō rasiyā ।

rāmalakhana sītā mana basiyā ॥ 8॥

sūkṣma rūpadhari siyahi dikhāvā ।

vikaṭa rūpadhari laṅka jalāvā ॥ 9 ॥

bhīma rūpadhari asura saṃhārē ।

rāmachandra kē kāja saṃvārē ॥ 10 ॥

lāya sañjīvana lakhana jiyāyē ।

śrī raghuvīra haraṣi uralāyē ॥ 11 ॥

raghupati kīnhī bahuta baḍāyī ।

tuma mama priya bharata sama bhāyī ॥ 12 ॥

sahasra vadana tumharō yaśagāvai ।

asa kahi śrīpati kaṇṭha lagāvai ॥ 13 ॥

sanakādika brahmādi munīśā ।

nārada śārada sahita ahīśā ॥ 14 ॥

yama kubēra digapāla jahāṃ tē ।

kavi kōvida kahi sakē kahāṃ tē ॥ 15 ॥

tuma upakāra sugrīvahi kīnhā ।

rāma milāya rājapada dīnhā ॥ 16 ॥

tumharō mantra vibhīṣaṇa mānā ।

laṅkēśvara bhayē saba jaga jānā ॥ 17 ॥

yuga sahasra yōjana para bhānū ।

līlyō tāhi madhura phala jānū ॥ 18 ॥

prabhu mudrikā mēli mukha māhī ।

jaladhi lāṅghi gayē acharaja nāhī ॥ 19 ॥

durgama kāja jagata kē jētē ।

sugama anugraha tumharē tētē ॥ 20 ॥

rāma duārē tuma rakhavārē ।

hōta na ājñā binu paisārē ॥ 21 ॥

saba sukha lahai tumhārī śaraṇā ।

tuma rakṣaka kāhū kō ḍara nā ॥ 22 ॥

āpana tēja samhārō āpai ।

tīnōṃ lōka hāṅka tē kāmpai ॥ 23 ॥

bhūta piśācha nikaṭa nahi āvai ।

mahavīra jaba nāma sunāvai ॥ 24 ॥

nāsai rōga harai saba pīrā ।

japata nirantara hanumata vīrā ॥ 25 ॥

saṅkaṭa sē hanumāna Chuḍāvai ।

mana krama vachana dhyāna jō lāvai ॥ 26 ॥

saba para rāma tapasvī rājā ।

tinakē kāja sakala tuma sājā ॥ 27 ॥

aura manōradha jō kōyi lāvai ।

tāsu amita jīvana phala pāvai ॥ 28 ॥

chārō yuga pratāpa tumhārā ।

hai prasiddha jagata ujiyārā ॥ 29 ॥

sādhu santa kē tuma rakhavārē ।

asura nikandana rāma dulārē ॥ 30 ॥

aṣṭhasiddhi nava nidhi kē dātā ।

asa vara dīnha jānakī mātā ॥ 31 ॥

rāma rasāyana tumhārē pāsā ।

sadā rahō raghupati kē dāsā ॥ 32 ॥

tumharē bhajana rāmakō pāvai ।

janma janma kē dukha bisarāvai ॥ 33 ॥

anta kāla raghupati purajāyī ।

jahāṃ janma haribhakta kahāyī ॥ 34 ॥

aura dēvatā chitta na dharayī ।

hanumata sēyi sarva sukha karayī ॥ 35 ॥

saṅkaṭa ka(ha)ṭai miṭai saba pīrā ।

jō sumirai hanumata bala vīrā ॥ 36 ॥

jai jai jai hanumāna gōsāyī ।

kṛpā karahu gurudēva kī nāyī ॥ 37 ॥

jō śata vāra pāṭha kara kōyī ।

Chūṭahi bandi mahā sukha hōyī ॥ 38 ॥

jō yaha paḍai hanumāna chālīsā ।

hōya siddhi sākhī gaurīśā ॥ 39 ॥

tulasīdāsa sadā hari chērā ।

kījai nātha hṛdaya maha ḍērā ॥ 40 ॥


pavana tanaya saṅkaṭa haraṇa – maṅgaḻa mūrati rūp ।

rāma lakhana sītā sahita – hṛdaya basahu surabhūp ॥

siyāvara rāmachandrakī jaya । pavanasuta hanumānakī jaya । bōlō bhāyī saba santanakī jaya

Hanuman Chalisa in English pdf

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The Power and Significance of Hanuman Chalisa: Unveiling Its Uses and Rules

In the realm of Hindu spirituality, the Hanuman Chalisa stands as a timeless beacon of devotion and strength. This 40-verse hymn, composed by the revered saint Tulsidas, is not only a poetic masterpiece but also a spiritual tool that holds immense significance for millions of devotees. Let’s delve into the importance of the Hanuman Chalisa and explore its various uses, along with the rules governing its recitation.


The Hanuman Chalisa, composed in the Awadhi language, is a poetic recitation dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the embodiment of devotion, loyalty, and strength in Hindu mythology. It encapsulates the heroic tales of Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama and his unwavering commitment to righteousness.

The Origins of Hanuman Chalisa

The Hanuman Chalisa finds its roots in the sixteenth century, written by Tulsidas as part of his epic work, the Ramcharitmanas. This hymn’s beauty lies in its simplicity, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Understanding the Significance

A Divine Source of Strength

Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa invokes a unique spiritual energy that empowers individuals to overcome challenges. Hanuman, known for his boundless courage, becomes a source of inspiration, infusing devotees with strength during tough times.

Bestower of Courage and Confidence

The Chalisa’s verses glorify Hanuman as the one who eliminates fear and instills self-assurance. By chanting these verses, devotees believe they can develop a strong mindset to face life’s uncertainties.

Remover of Obstacles

Hanuman Chalisa is also revered for its ability to remove obstacles and hurdles. The hymn’s power is believed to clear paths and pave the way for success, both materially and spiritually.

Using Hanuman Chalisa: Guidelines and Rules

When to Recite

There’s no specific time that’s deemed superior for reciting the Hanuman Chalisa. However, mornings and Tuesdays are considered auspicious. Many devotees start their day with a recitation, seeking Hanuman’s blessings for a fruitful day ahead.

Where to Recite

The beauty of the Hanuman Chalisa lies in its adaptability. Whether at home, in a temple, or even during travel, devotees can chant it wherever they feel a connection with the divine.

How to Recite

Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa requires devotion and sincerity. It’s recommended to light a lamp and incense, create a peaceful ambiance, and chant the hymn with unwavering faith. Regularity and dedication enhance its efficacy.

Experiencing the Benefits

Stories of Miracles and Transformation

Devotees worldwide share remarkable stories of how reciting the Hanuman Chalisa brought positive changes to their lives. From resolving health issues to finding solutions to complex problems, the Chalisa’s divine energy is said to work wonders.

Cultivating Inner Peace and Focus

The rhythmic recitation of the Chalisa induces a meditative state, calming the mind and reducing stress. It fosters mindfulness, allowing individuals to connect with their inner selves.

Hanuman Chalisa in Contemporary Times

Digital Age Devotion

In today’s digital era, Hanuman Chalisa’s reach has expanded through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual satsangs and recitation groups create a global community of devotees united by their reverence for Hanuman.

Universal Appeal and Acceptance

The Hanuman Chalisa transcends religious boundaries, captivating people from diverse spiritual backgrounds. Its universal message of devotion and courage resonates with individuals seeking solace and strength.


The Hanuman Chalisa stands as a profound testament to unwavering devotion and boundless strength. Its verses have the power to uplift spirits, remove obstacles, and inspire transformation. Through its timeless wisdom, the Chalisa continues to guide seekers on their spiritual journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the best time to recite Hanuman Chalisa? The mornings, especially on Tuesdays, are considered auspicious times for reciting the Hanuman Chalisa.
  2. Can women recite Hanuman Chalisa? Absolutely, Hanuman Chalisa can be recited by anyone, regardless of gender.
  3. Is it necessary to understand the verses’ meanings? While understanding the meanings enhances the experience, devotion, and sincerity in recitation hold paramount importance.
  4. How many times should Hanuman Chalisa be recited? There’s no fixed number; devotees can recite it according to their convenience and dedication.
  5. What is the symbolism behind Hanuman’s devotion? Hanuman’s unwavering devotion to Lord Rama symbolizes the purest form of selfless love, loyalty, and dedication.